
“A coach has great questions for you to answer, a mentor has great answers for your questions”

What Do Mentors Provide?

  • A more experienced or knowledgeable person to provide feedback and advice for career and professional development.

  • A channel to brainstorm ideas, communicate concerns and receive support.

  • Insight into other business cultures and a broader perspective of their own business.

  • A supportive forum to develop a focused plan for professional development that is tied to skills, knowledge, and actions.

What are the benefits to the mentee and the organization?

  • Helps participants identify and achieve career development and personal growth goals that support business objectives

  • Supports building a bench of leaders who have knowledge, skills and abilities

  • Fosters higher levels of engagement and career vision

  • Equips participants with the tools necessary to perform to their highest capability

  • Creates opportunities to meet and partner with others of different job titles, descriptions or cultural boundaries